Friday, December 11, 2009

Section 1 Only -- Introduction

The 2009 LifeRing Congress created the Expansion Committee with the following motion:
Moved: That the Congress create an expansion committee charged with drafting a set of proposed Bylaws Amendments to expand the organization's leadership ranks.  The Expansion Committee is to publish a proposed draft within six months. The draft is to be circulated widely among LifeRing participants and to form the basis for a discussion in which every LifeRing participant has the opportunity to be heard.  After revising the draft in light of the membership discussion, the Expansion Committee is to present the proposed Bylaws Amendments to the 2010 Congress for a vote.
-- Proposed by Marty N.
Marty had introduced the issues in article in the Delegate's Briefing.  He included a handful of ideas to kick off the discussion:
·       Create 8 or 10 or more regional vice-presidents with responsibility in defined geographic areas
·       Create vice-presidents with responsibility for public relations, fundraising, data management, meeting support, and website development
·       Create an executive council composed of the regional vice-presidents and the other officers
·       Create the post of chairperson of the Board
·       Expand the Board of Directors from 9 to 11
The Expansion Committee reviewed these.    Our proposal adopts all but the last, but with some modifications.
The next pages list short, simple Bylaws changes, followed by more lengthy "informational" commentary.    The Bylaws changes define a structure for regional representatives and vice-presidents, but call out only minimum information regarding tasks and functions.   As a policy, we concluded specifics best be left in the hands of the Board of Directors to manage as LifeRing grows.   Our commentary has some more specific thoughts on where to start.  These are meant to be non-binding on the Board. 
Expansion committee members included Carola Z., Craig W., Michael W., Steve S., Andy R., Jim R., Bob O., Tom J., Kathleen G., Robert B., and Dru B.

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About Me

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I'm a veteran of the civil rights and anti-Vietnam war movements of the 1960s. I'm clean and sober since October 2, 1992. I've attended well over a thousand secular recovery meetings. I'm one voice among the 60 per cent majority of alcoholics who achieve successful recoveries (>5 years) without participating in Alcoholics Anonymous. I've never attended a meeting of AA or NA. I'm a founding member of LifeRing and served as its CEO until my retirement in 2010. I'm the author of several recovery publications, among other writings. In this blog I speak as an individual and not as a spokesperson for LifeRing. I stopped updating this blog in early 2011, but I'm leaving it up for reference. Anyone interested in taking it over, please contact me.